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## Voucher and Captive Portal solution for community networks

This tool allows an administrator to manage a voucher system to get through the gateway.

It could be used in a community that wants to share an Internet connection and for that the user’s pay a fraction each, but needs the payment from everyone. So the vouchers allows to control the payments via the control of the access to Internet.

Additionally vouchers usage can be deactivated in order to use
the captive portal only to show valuable information for network
## Features

This are the currently implemented features:
* Runs directly from the OpenWRT/LEDE router: no need for extra hardware
* Integrates it’s administration with Ubus and LiMe App
* Has a command-line interface for listing, creating and removing vouchers
* Voucher database is shared among nodes in the network
* Portal "splash" screen content (logo, title, main text, etc)
is distributed accross the network.
* Can be used without vouchers.
## Prerequisites

This software assumes that will be running on a OpenWRT/LEDE distribution (because uses uci for config). Needs nftables and ipset packages installed.

## Install

  • add the libremesh software feed to opkg

  • opkg install pirania

## Command line

epoc is expressed in [Unix Timestamp]( format. You can use a tool like []( to get a date in the correct format.

# captive_portal status

Prints the status of pirania: enabled or disabled.

# captive_portal start

Starts pirania. If you want pirania to automatically turn on use: uci set pirania.base_config.enabled=1 && uci commit

# captive_portal stop

Stops pirania. If you want pirania to stop automatically turning on use: uci set pirania.base_config.enabled=0 && uci commit

## voucher list

Lists all the vouchers.

# voucher list_active

List all the vouchers that are currently active.

# voucher add

Create a new voucher. This voucher will start deactivated and not bonded to any device.

- name: a name used to identify the voucher
- duration-m: duration of the voucher in minutes. If no value is provided a permanent voucher will be created.
The duration takes affect when the voucher is activated.
- activation-deadline: after this date (unix time) the voucher cannot be activated.

To create a 60 minutes voucher
Ex.: voucher add my-voucher-name 60

# voucher activate

Activates a voucher, asigning a mac address. After the activation, the device with this MAC
address will have internet access.

- secret-code: the password of the voucher.
- mac: the MAC address of the device that will have access.

Ex: voucher activate mysecret 00:11:22:33:44:55

# voucher deactivate

Deactivate a voucher of the specified ID.

- ID: a string used to identify the voucher.

Ex: voucher deactivate Qzt3WF

# voucher remove_voucher

Invalidates a voucher by changing it’s expire date to 0.

- voucher: voucher secret

Ex.: voucher remove_voucher voucher-secret

# voucher is_mac_authorized

Check if a specific mac address is authorized.

- mac: a device’s mac address

Ex.: voucher is_mac_authorized d0:82:7a:49:e2:37

# voucher renew_voucher

Change the expiration date of a voucher.

- id: the voucher ID.
- expiration-date: the new date (unix time) that the voucher will expire

Ex.: voucher renew_voucher Qzt3WF 1619126965

# How it works

It uses iptables rules to filter inbound connections outside the mesh network.

## General overview of file hierarchy and function

    /etc/config/pirania is the UCI config
    /etc/pirania/vouchers/ (default path) contains the database of vouchers
    /etc/init.d/pirania-uhttpd starts a uhttpd on port 59080 that replies any request with a redirect towards a preset URL

    /usr/lib/lua/voucher/ contains lua libraries used by /usr/bin/voucher
    /usr/bin/voucher is a CLI to manage the db (has functions list, list_active, show_authorized_macs, add, activate, deactivate and is_mac_authorized)
    /usr/bin/captive-portal sets up iptables rules to capture traffic

    /usr/libexec/rpcd/pirania ubus pirania API (this is used by the web frontend)
    /usr/share/rpcd/acl.d/pirania.json ACL for the ubus pirania API

    /etc/shared-state/publishers/shared-state-publish_vouchers inserts into shared-state the local voucher db
    /etc/shared-state/hooks/pirania/generate_vouchers bring updated or new vouchers from the shared-state database into the local voucher db

    /usr/lib/lua/read_for_access contains the library used by
    /usr/lib/lua/portal to manage access  in read for access mode (aka without vouchers)

## CLI usage example

$ voucher list
$ voucher add san-notebook 60
Q3TJZS	san-notebook	ZRJUXN	xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx	Wed Sep  8 23:47:40 2021	60	           -            	1
$ voucher list
Q3TJZS	san-notebook	ZRJUXN	xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx	Wed Sep  8 23:47:40 2021	60	           -            	1
$ voucher list_active
$ voucher activate ZRJUXN 00:11:22:33:44:55
Voucher activated!
$ voucher list
Q3TJZS	san-notebook	ZRJUXN	00:11:22:33:44:55	Wed Sep  8 23:47:40 2021	60	Thu Sep  9 00:48:33 2021	2

$ voucher list_active
Q3TJZS	san-notebook	ZRJUXN	00:11:22:33:44:55	Wed Sep  8 23:47:40 2021	60	Thu Sep  9 00:48:33 2021	2

$ voucher deactivate Q3TJZS
$ voucher list_active
$ voucher list
Q3TJZS	san-notebook	ZRJUXN	xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx	Wed Sep  8 23:47:40 2021	60	           -            	3

## ubus API

  • enable() → calls to captive-portal start and enables it in the config

  • disable() → calls to captive-portal stop and disables it in the config

  • show_url() → return config pirania.base_config.portal_url

  • change_url(url) → change config pirania.base_config.portal_url

  • …​

## Under the hood

# Trafic capture
/usr/bin/captive-portal sets up iptables rules to capture traffic.
It creates a set of rules that apply to 3 allowed "ipsets":
* pirania-auth-macs: authorized macs go into this rule. starts empty.
* pirania-allowlist-ipv4: with the members of the allowlist in the config file (,,
* pirania-allowlist-ipv6: same as ipv4 but for ipv6

* DNS packets, that are not from the allowed ipsets, are redirected to our own captive portal DNS at 59053
* HTTP packets, that are not from the allowed ipsets, are redirected to our own captive portal HTTP at 59080
* packets from the allowed ipsets are allowed
* the rest of the packets are rejeted (drop and send an error to the client)

# HTTP flow

/etc/init.d/pirania-uhttpd starts a HTTP server (uhttpd) on port 59080 that replies any request with a redirect towards a preset URL.
- In case that voucher usage is activated: pirania.base_config.url_auth.
- Otherwise: pirania.read_for_access.url_portal
This is performed by the lua script /www/pirania-redirect/redirect. As both url are in the allowlist ip range ( by default) then the "normal" HTTP server listening in port 80 will answer after the redirect.

So the flow when using vouchers is:
* navigate to a non allowed ip: for example
* get redirected with a 302 where you can put a voucher code to enter:
* submiting the form should perform a GET to
* The preactivate_voucher script does two different depending on javascript support:
* If nojs=true then the voucher is activated with the client MAC (taken from the ARP table with its IP) and the voucher code. If the activation succeeds it redirects to url_authenticated.
* If nojs=false there is a check if the voucher code would be valid (there is an unused and valid voucher with that code). If the voucher would be valid then a redirect to the portal INFO page(pirania.base_config.url_info) is performed with the voucher code as param url. The portal info shows the updated information of the community and there is a time that you have to wait to be able to continue (This is done with JS). When the timer reaches 0 you can click in continue. This redirects now to The activate_voucher script does the voucher activation. then it redirects to url_authenticated. If the code fails it will redirect to that is identical to auth.html but with an error message.

The flow without using vouchers (read for access mode) is:
* navigate to a non allowed ip: for example
* get redirected with a 302 to:
* Once there if the client has js support then a countdown of 15 seconds is shown and when it reaches 0 the user can click on continue, which sends a GET request to
which will trigger a redirection to prev url.
* If there the client has no js support, then the buttonis enabled inmediately, and after clicking in continue a redirection to url_authenticated is triggered.


include $(TOPDIR)/

GIT_COMMIT_DATE:=$(shell git log -n 1 --pretty=%ad --date=short . )
GIT_COMMIT_TSTAMP:=$(shell git log -n 1 --pretty=%at . )

include $(INCLUDE_DIR)/

define Package/$(PKG_NAME)
  SUBMENU:=Captive Portals
  MAINTAINER:=Asociación Civil AlterMundi <>
  TITLE:=Captive portal with vouchers.
  DEPENDS:=+ip6tables-mod-nat +ipset +shared-state +shared-state-pirania \
	+uhttpd-mod-lua +lime-system +luci-lib-jsonc \
	+liblucihttp-lua +luci-lib-nixio +libubus-lua +libuci-lua

define Package/$(PKG_NAME)/description
	Captive Portal for routers that want to share their Internet connection via vouchers.

define Build/Compile

define Package/$(PKG_NAME)/install
	$(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/
	$(CP) ./files/* $(1)/

$(eval $(call BuildPackage,$(PKG_NAME)))