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LibreMesh 2023 Meetings


Saturday the 2th of December 2023 at 13:00 UTC (14:00 CET, 10:00 ART).

Time: 13:00-14:16 UTC

People: Cri, Chris

Welcome Chris, he is a Linux System Administrator from Minnesota, U.S.A
Cri shared documentation from antennine network


we have the possibility to keep the same structure of the old website: jeckyll + ascii-doc but with a different theme: this is good because the content input can be txt file, and we reuse txt file to put the doc in the firmware and be readable by browser.

Cris: I’m happy that we keep the old habits about the structure oof the content, but with this restyl we move in a more fashionable shape. And I think is motivating also to update the documentation :) that probably the next work that we have to do…​ for the new year
Chris: I think the new theme looks nice. (But I am not a designer)

From this assembly the opinion looks positive to the merge of the "new restyle" of the website. we wait a week to see reaction in mailinglist, and after I(Cris) can accept merge request.


two people answered to this call
I, Cris, think that both are trustable people.. I expected that some of them come to this meeting, but this not happen.

Scenarios to check:

  • checking if the internet connection internet1 goes down, if the wifi
    clients (common AP name) still have connection

  • checking if the internet connection internet2 goes down, if the wifi
    clients (common AP name) still have connection

  • checking if the internet connection internet1 goes down, if the cabled
    clients (on dual_band#2) still have connection

  • checking if the internet connection internet2 goes down, if the cabled
    clients (on dual_band#2) still have connection

  • checking roaming, e.g. with an audio call

  • define exactly how router wire to router is connected: LAN to LAN with
    mesh configuration e.g.

Pony proposal and devices:
Cris: good point that the devices are with DSA.. not clear "None of them are running babeld though" and not clear if this is give problem to test, for example the first 2 scenarios:

Cris: Good point is that can have a test in a real infrastructure. I would like know if the devices are with DSA or not..

we can wait answer in the mailinglist, if is present DSA on the devices is better to test because is one of the new feature present in openwrt23 and 23.

Name of the new release

For this assembly the name sounds good!


we just introduced the topics.. we are happy to listen proposals in the next weeks in the mailinglist.
the last year with the opportunity and money (circa 3k euro) from th GSoC we wrote Ansible roles to automated the build of the Libremesh release candidate. and this was really good for the Libremesh project.
So lets go to think something of improving for the next year. The work will be done in summer 2024 and we need also 2 people that apply as Mentor.
we can propose probably 2 projects.. but all the year depend from freifunk and google how many project can be really realized.

* Assign the work-grant for testing the release candidate
* Website restyling, e.g.
* Next release name
* GSoC2024


Wednesday the 1st of November 2023 at 13:00 UTC (14:00 CET, 10:00 ART).


SAn, Ilario, Ger, Cri, Gothos, Maden


  • How to use donations (buying hardware?)

  • News about Altermundi roadmap 2023

  • Where to store the log of the meetings

  • OpenWrt 22 or OpenWrt 23 as a base for the next release candidate?

  • Outdated release server

  • Free discussion about other projects and LibreMesh

  • Firmware signatures

  • Next meeting

Past meeting topics:
* news
* website and documentation update
* need of a Docker image for unit testing on OpenWrt 22.03
* decide the list of targets for being compiled for release 2020.2 based on OpenWrt 19.07
* upcoming release LibreMesh 2020.2
* News about Altermundi roadmap 2023 ?
* how to use the donations on OpenCollective (e.g. a compilation server, or donation to Battlemesh)
* news about battlemesh
* next meetings dates
* resume of previous technical meetings and announcement of next technical meeting date
for the next TECH meeting:
* proposal: move the report in the wiki of github? another wiki? what is thi?
* Check that issues and the label is:issue is:open label:"in progress" is actulized
* future release LibreMesh 2023.1 (based on openwrt-22.03)
* prioritise a list of issues to be resolved for the next LibreMesh 2023.1 release based on OpenWrt 22.03
* decide a list of packages to be included in next LibreMesh 2023.1
* This question from Elektra during past tech meeting: - How are people porting new devices?
For next project meeting:
* introductions and recent projects and contributions related with LibreMesh

How to use donations (buying hardware?)

Old decision: stickers to be printed by people attending events.

We need to write an email defining for what the money can be spent. The decision would be taken in the project meetings.

From the meeting minute of 2023-04-01:

  • pay the travel to the battlemesh for some of librerouter/altermundi (maybe next year or another event)

  • pay the travel for the travel to battlemesh for some people of Antennine (maybe next year or another event)

  • pay the update of the server of downloads CodigoSur? Chiede Cri

  • buy some stickers LibreMesh YES

  • donation for the domain name? for the newsletter?

  • email [20231101 nah]

  • hardware per testare il supporto?

Ger: the priority should be having a release

New proposals:

  • Pay someone for some testing hours

  • Gothos? (Ilario asks)

  • Proposing to everyone in the mailing list (Ilario writes) and the final decision is taken in the project meeting

  • We can offer 550 $, keeping 67 $ for stickers

  • Define object for payment: make a release

  • Test on two different router models

  • Report the observed issues

  • Solve the issues if possible

  • Define price per hour: 20 $/h

  • This could also attract more donations, as now they will have a clear use

  • Pay hardware for testing for the release

Minimum testing scenario:

internet1 --wire-- dual_band#1 --wifi-- dual_band#2 --wire-- single_band#1 --wifi-- single_band#2 --wire or wifi-- internet2

Requirements for dual_band router:
* at least 1 radio at 2.4 GHz
* at least 1 radio at 5 GHz
* DSA supported

Requirements for single_band router:
* maximum 1 radio at either 2.4 GHz or 5 GHz
* DSA supported

Requirements for internet connections:
* internet1 and internet2 should preferably be two different internet connections, but if they are the same it is ok

Physical setup requirements:
* none, even if all the routers are on the same table it is ok
* wifi channels have to be selected for avoiding wifi connections between routers that are not indicated as connected (i.e. dual_band#1 and dual_band#2 should be on the same channels. single_band#1 and single_band#2 should be on the same channel, but a different one from the one used by the dual band routers)

Scenarios to check:

  • checking if the internet connection internet1 goes down, if the wifi clients (common AP name) still have connection

  • checking if the internet connection internet2 goes down, if the wifi clients (common AP name) still have connection

  • checking if the internet connection internet1 goes down, if the cabled clients (on dual_band#2) still have connection

  • checking if the internet connection internet2 goes down, if the cabled clients (on dual_band#2) still have connection

  • checking roaming, e.g. with an audio call

  • define exactly how router wire to router is connected: LAN to LAN with mesh configuration e.g.

Additional tasks:

  • document how to set ethernet interfaces for mesh only or clients only

News about Altermundi roadmap 2023

Cri asked in the ML
SAn answered that is working in the hardware of LibreRouter2

Where to store the log of the meetings

ML is ok
Website also ok (the archive of the ML is public anyway, so public is ok)
Cri will copy the info to the website

OpenWrt 22 or OpenWrt 23 as a base for the next release candidate?

Currently, the release candidate 2023.1 is based on OpenWrt 22

Ilario: 23
SAn: 23
Madez: 23
Cri: 22 or 23 are ok
Gothos: 23

Ilario: let’s name the new release candidate 2024.1-rc1


rete mista openwrt & libremesh, feedback that the developing of libremesh is not enought fast as openwrt to releasing. Which relation there is with gluon? and which different?

Free discussion about other projects and LibreMesh

Discussing technical solutions in Gluon
Gothos: Would be good to have a network-profile compatible with Gluon
Discussing the problem of slow release cycle in LibreMesh

Outdated release server

The server is outdated and is impossible to install anything.
For some next meetings we need to think about it!

Firmware signatures

Check the "# Add new signing keys" section of this email:

Screenshots from Github:

Seems that the keys cannot be accessed, so we either find who has the original key or we upload a new one.

Ilario writes to the people who could have the original key.
If noone has it, we will just upload a new one/pair during the next project meeting.
Maybe the key on Github is the same also on the repo server.
Gothos will check.

Next meeting

Saturday the 2th of December 2023 at 13:00 UTC (14:00 CET, 10:00 ART).


People & list of Topics

cri, ilario, mwarning42

  • Annuncing the new releases

  • Scheduling next meeting

  • Testing release candidate

  • Checking status of decisions of last meeting

  • Communication problem

Chatting for audio test

Annuncing the new releases

One small problem with the compiled images:
they already include a populated /etc/config/lime-community.
This should create a conflict when someone will include (compiling it in or via OPKG) a network-profile
Gothos will compile them again. He originally included the libremesh-default network-profile
Also, some lines are different from the lime-defaults:

- write a News in the news section (Cri, done)
- change the menu item in the website: Get the last release! (ilario, done)

A new stable release and a release candidate for Openwrt 22!

We released a new version of Libremesh based on OpenWrt 19!

and a new release candidate based on OpenWrt 22:

This means that the release candidate needs testing, bug fixing and
loads of community love so that we can have an amazing release that can
actually ease the creation of community networks everywhere.

Another great gourgeous news is that from now we have a Firmware Selector, check it out here:

Scheduling meetings 2024

Keeping each 2 months, first Saturday of month, but adding some extra infraweek days to ease the participation to people who cannot on Saturdays

Next year we use a new pad XD → disroot use the plugin to have header and it is possible have a Table of Contents

Adding some meetings matching the Spanish bank holidays…​
Remember to invite developers that we never see during 2023 and remember to them about "community meeting": konejo, javier,

Wednesday the 1st of November 2023 at 13:00 UTC (14:00 CET, 10:00 ART).
Saturday the 2th of December 2023 at 13:00 UTC (14:00 CET, 10:00 ART).
Thursday 4th of January 2024 at 13:00 UTC (14:00 CET, 10:00 ART).
Saturday the 3rd of February 2024 at 13:00 UTC (14:00 CET, 10:00 ART).
Saturday the 6th of April 2024 at 13:00 UTC (15:00 CEST, 10:00 ART).
Saturday the 1st of June 2024 at 13:00 UTC (15:00 CEST, 10:00 ART).
Monday the 24th of June 2024 at 13:00 UTC (15:00 CEST, 10:00 ART).
Saturday the 3rd of August 2024 at 13:00 UTC (15:00 CEST, 10:00 ART).
Wednesday the 11th of September 2024 at 13:00 UTC (15:00 CEST, 10:00 ART).
Saturday the 5th of October 2024 at 13:00 UTC (15:00 CEST, 10:00 ART).
Friday the 1st of November 2024 at 13:00 UTC (14:00 CET, 10:00 ART).
Saturday the 7th of Dicember 2024 at 13:00 UTC (14:00 CET, 10:00 ART).

Tech topics to discuss:

  • firmware signatures

  • il server delle releases has barely enough storage space and old software.


  • Fatto curioso di donazioni "spontanee" in chat, che ne pensiamo? Good, but it would be better to have them managed via OpenCollective.

  • We should announce that the donation money is available for buying hardware for developers

  • FSFE sono interessati a community wireless network per sapere che hardware proprietario ma con software libero usiamo, Cristina gli scrive..


People & list of topics
ilario(cat), Cri(it), Troian(br), mwarning(berlin), Arinc(Türkiye), Gothos(it)
15:07 - hope to finish 16:07

  • new release based on old OpenWrt

  • new release candidate based on recent OpenWrt

  • adding and removing people with access to repo server and Github organization

  • stickers done for battlemesh -

  • Starting using Attended SysUpgrade

  • Technical meeting: - proposal-

New release based on old OpenWrt

We are waiting to decide whether to increase the default distance parameter

Some data from Gothos and Ilario, with a script for replicating the analysis

Experience on distance parameter:
Cri: in our community with directional links, 10 km is a good default because people can flash the antenna/router by themself and see that Lime works. in other case, they
Troian: we are using omnidirectional routers 80 m away from each other, in a line of 3 to 5 routers, so we flash the firmwares with other distances

New release candidate based on recent OpenWrt

  • based OpenWrt 22

Ansible tool used to do this release candidate:

here local community repo with this release, but with name Master, that is not the best..

Let’s create the 2023.1 branch, add the commit for setting the release name
and tag v2023.1-rc1
Ilario will do this.

Gothos will use the new Ansible tools for compiling the release candidate

Adding and removing people with access to repo server and Github organization

People with access to the

  • aparcar

  • dbellomo

  • gio

  • gui

  • ilario

  • nicopace

  • pablo

  • spiccinini

  • daniel

  • gferrero

  • guido

  • joaquin

  • nicolas

  • p4u

Adding: Gothos, Cri
Ilario asks if it is ok to add them, with a deadline of a week.

People in the LibreMesh organization on Github:

  • altergui Gui

  • amuuza amuza

  • andrenarchy André Gaul

  • AngiieOG Angie

  • aparcar Paul Spooren

  • axn Axel Neumann

  • bennlich Benny Lichtner

  • brunovianna bruno vianna

  • dangowrt Daniel Golle

  • fnbellomo fnbellomo

  • FreifunkUFO FreifunkUFO

  • G10h4ck G10h4ck

  • gabri94 Gabriele Gemmi

  • germanferrero Germán Ferrero

  • hiurequeiroz Hiure

  • ilario Ilario Gelmetti

  • nicoechaniz nicoechaniz

  • nicopace Nicolás Pace

  • nordurljosahvida Nicolas North

  • p4u Pau

  • PabloCastellano Pablo Castellano

  • raylas Raymond Douglas

  • selankon selankon

  • spiccinini Santiago Piccinini

How to add people: once per year sending an email explaining the criteria for applying. Then during the community meetings in August, accept people is there are not contrary reason.
Cri sends the first email

* Cri
* Daniel Golle? - let’s ask
* Gothos
* Jorge - let’s ask

Ilario asks to Jorge, Daniel Golle
Update: I don’t have any contact of Jorge


we have to give back the money to ilario
Ilario will try to collect them from OpenCollective
Update: I managed to request the money on OpenCollective, it is easy!

Some people on the chat asked stickers
If a big community or an event wants to have the stickers they can print them and we pay the printing with the money from donations on OpenCollective

Starting using Attended SysUpgrade

ASU is amazing. It uses the OpenWrt ImageBuilder
If we want to use the official ASU server, we need to use ODHCPD for IPv6:
I we set up our own ASU server, then there are just tiny things to fix:

Technical meeting: - proposal-

13 UTC Thursday 17th August

finish at 16:20


People & list of topics

Cri, Gio, gothos

Thurdayday the 13rd of July 2023 at 14:00 UTC (16:00 CEST, 11:00 ART).


Gio sta lavorando sul plugin(?) shared state, non è un pacchetto essenziale nell’ultima release LiMe2020, ma lo sarà nel futuro xchè da un sacco di info, in pratica lo si sta riscrivendo da LUA a C++. il tempo per fare altro è poco.

Come supportare Openwrt 22.05? stan cambiando un sacco di cose, si rischia che la prossima non sia di nuovo compatibile con la precedente

dalla comunity abbiamo sperimentato e funziona LiMe 2023.1 per le tplink CPE 510 v3
, che non supportano la versione 19 di OpenWrt, ora stiam testando anche le mikrotik Router Board Light Head 5

Gio per lavorare si basa perlo più su OpenWrt development

Cri dice che pubblicherebbe i devices provati in valle per dare segno dal sito che LiMe sta andando a supportare le nuove release di OpenWrt

Come si fa una release candidate?

in teoria si fa un tag e poi si fa andare una suite di test, e poi un po a mano la lime-app

Individuare il commit che si è testato:
siam sulla master
Commit: 10e9bf65684708d5739ada850fd280a6abf3cc72 di

ATTENZIONE ci sn differenze di build tra il buildroot e l’imagebuilder: non ci stampa nel banner il commit della versione libremesh usata per buildare, non abbiam indagato sul perchè..
Altro esempio inserisce batctl-tiny invece che completo

Conveniamo che Libremesh è basato sul buildroot, e in realtà non garantiamo da nessuna parte che davvero concluda le build identiche con l’image builder

Architetture da compilare x la Release Candidate:
mediatek ( per tutti e 2 ? )
qualcom atheros
usermod linux

verificati in questa lista:

una volta compilati i pacchetti con la buildroot…​ o anche la buildroot completa, conviene metterla sul server http che esponiamo:

Mettere anche i pacchetti volendo tutti buildati uno per uno, però è una mega sbatta, mettendo la buildroot intera, cmq ha tutto. Pacchetti singoli flaggato M, si potrebbe mettere anche nel file di configurazione di opkg.. alcuni device vogliono i pacchetti aggiuntivi compilati nella stessa build con cui è stato compilato il kernel.

oppure un tar.gz con tutta la buildroot che ha buildato.
Oppure mettere una immagine docker che ha dentro il tutto, così è riproducibile totalmente.

OK, ci vuole un po di tempo per buildarle tutte.. le mettiamo a fare.

Una volta che si hanno i bin e il tar.gz della buildroot. scrivere in lista LiMe ed o Ilario o .. che possono pubblicare il tutto.

VARIE: rispetto a libremesh curtigghio, è una possibile strada del futuro in quanto 802.11s è una vita che non lo aggiornano.
Gio riprenderebbe più avanti a lavorare su quello. Bello se ci lavorano altri di OpenWrt.. lui può supportare


People & list of topics

Saturday the 3rd of June 2023 at 13:00 UTC (15:00 CEST, 9:00 ART).

* Analysis of the implementation status of last meeting’s decisions
* Next tech meeting dates
* sending stickers to communities or allowing communities to print stickers and pay them from the donations on the OpenCollective?
* check if communication channel is working and if is clear the decision making workflow (the method is not decided but the workflow yes→ dic 2021 ), write in website.
* write a roadmap of LibreMesh for the next 6month

  • release of lime 2020.3 (openwrt19)

  • release of lime 2023.1 (openwrt22)

To do for next meetings

  • check the design of the project after half and 1 year (dic 2021→june 2023)

  • checking our web presence match with the design of the project

  • update the list of "owners" and "members" on the Github organization "libremesh"

  • fix translation from …​

  • decide and planning where move the website (we said that github is temporary…​)

  • fix the list of older release,

  • test how publish next release, (2023.1 release based on OpenWrt 22.03 is quite far from being ready)

  • annuncing/documenting next release (2020.3 based on OpenWrt 19.07 would be ready to release, but we could release it as 2020.4 with an increased default "distance" parameter for the 5 GHz radios)

  • update list of used hardware.. (e.g. adding PlasmaCloud PA1200, Xiaomi MiRouter 4A Gigabit Edition)

Long list of topics by the previous meetings: decision making, etc…​
- resume of the BattleMesh
- resume of the network installed at Calafou for the BattleMesh with the technical tricks included in its network-profile
- list of issues observed during BattleMesh and traspassing this list to the LibreMesh issues list

  • test OpenWISP with LibreMesh (install both OpenWISP packages and , figure out how to set up an OpenWISP server and set it up, maybe virtualized with Docker Compose)

  • analyze the poor performances of the mesh link (maybe due to VHT80 channel width? The routers see each other at -80 dBm that is too low for this very good line of sight)

  • get two outdoor routers (PlasmaCloud PA1200, Duy should have some) and flash them as the mesh link, check the speed and check if with different channels, channel width or other things it gets better

  • understand how BATMAN_V is getting the master interface (now it does not find it. It runs on a VLAN, but needs info from the original interface) and fix something so that it works in LibreMesh

  • (unrelated to Calafou) make a release of LibreMesh 2020.3, still based on old OpenWrt 19.07

  • implement Opportunistic Wireless Encryption easy setup in LibreMesh and use it in Calafou. Also, encrypt the mesh link

  • fix the super annoying Makefile of hostapd (wpad-*) in OpenWrt (see )

  • set up monitoring with prometheus (in case doing it with OpenWISP is too difficult)

  • double check the documentation from Aparcar on the usage of the ImageBuilder

  • update unit testing script to work with OpenWrt 22.03

  • understand what should we/odhcpd developers do for stopping using dnsmasq-dhcpv6 and start using odhcpd for DHCP on IPv6 as in OpenWrt. Someone (Aparcar? Marek?) said that in LibreMesh we are not using odhcpd because it cannot read the leases list from and external source (e.g. a file). Maybe Daniel Golle can implement that.

  • reboot the router once every week only if the internet connectivity is not present

  • txt.file mentioned that there are two settings in OpenWrt that would be useful:1) for telling the clients to use a specific country code (e.g. if the router country code is set to ES, also the clients should use the same)2) for telling the clients which channels are in use in the current network (I hope it can increase the speed of the roaming switching)

  • Make sure that from the "events' network" clients cannot ping/reach hosts in "classic network" except the fiber router * Put LibreMesh and BattleMesh stickers on every router of the "events' network" * Label the ports with a marker writing on the router * Coordinate with Konejo for fixing the support of lime-app for OpenWrt 22.03 Please add anything you consider useful :) then we can take this list and use its items to create new tickets-issues on Github :)

  • understand why eth1 (wan) in PlasmaCloud PA1200 router used as gateway gets added in br-lan, and this should not happen. Checking network.lua in lime-system. If we don’t have time for fixing this, hardcode a fix.

  • understand why static IP configuration didn’t work as expected. For the gateway LibreMesh node, at some point the dhcp client was not getting anything, so we tried with a static IP but did not do anything. What we added to /etc/config/lime-node is:

    config net usingLANasWAN
    option linux_name 'eth1'
    list protocols 'wan'
    list protocols 'static'
    option static_ipv4 ''
    option static_gateway_ipv4 ''

2023-05-12 TECH MEETING

People & list of topics

Cri, Gothos, Arinç, DangoWrt, notplants, Catuaba, Ilario, Ivana, Sergey, robbe, Jesi, Ivan, Cypherhippie, txt.file

  • how to connect a new device

  • how to use cable connections, wan and mesh

  • list of mesh routing protocols

    • batman-adv on layer-2

    • babeld per default on layer-3, but also bmx6 an bmx7 are in active use, olsrd is also supported but probably not use anywhere

situations for which routing protocol
how to understand which interface is which (example interface list:
process to build the firmware on top of OpenWrt 22.03
still present bug on LibreMesh support of OpenWrt 22.03

  • web interface bugs, something changed between 19.07 and 22.03 and things are broken now…​ we will fix it last once everything else works

  • (anygw) doesn’t work well to connect to next router when conneting via wired link

  • diagnostic info (traceroute?)

  • (anygw) should have been fixed now by p0ny

  • pirania captive portal may need adjustment to nftables

  • tell babeld to silently ignore interfaces which are down or without addresses (log spam)

  • wireless band names have changed (not very important)

  • dependency mess of wpad-*

imagebuiler support status

  • x86 images are broken?

  • config.buildinfo? ⇒ it’s next to where you downloaded ImageBuilder

  • config.buildinfo? Doesn’t it should change if I add feeds and rebuild? ⇒ but then you should also have a new ImageBuilder. If you are only building a single feed from source, then this would change config.buildinfo, but it cannot be easily merged or represented again in a single file

  • bzImage for x86 (needed for qemu) is missing ⇒ using *generic-kernel.bin instead and it works

  • BATMAN V protocol doesn’t work well in situations when ExpectedThroughput is not available from the hardware. Also hidden-link behind a wifi-link can limit bandwidth and is not discovered by BATMAN V.

Altermundi roadmap
how to isolate your home network if you do not want to have people from the mesh to see your local shares or reach your printer

How to connect a new device

as a community approach of managing mesh, so if you are 1 probably libremesh is overkill, but you can use as range extender for example. you flash 2 devices and you try. minimal configuraion. the difficult is at the begin to flashing the device but after you should not need a tech team. also Lime is modular. double mesh protocol, in layer 2 batman and 3 with babbeld. you isolate the layer 3 in your house or the place that you want isolated.

How to use cable connections, wan and mesh

wan just plug and works…​
LAN-LAN if you connect two libremesh nodes via their LAN ports with a cable, you should configure the port for not being included in the br-lan bridge, see
anyway, modern routers have a chip that cuts the loops or the CPU should realize and stop the loops

How to understand which interface is which

ip6tnl created by a kernel module even if not used
ifb0 for traffic shaping
br-lan switch
dummy0 fake interface for having a stable MAC that does not depend on interfaces going up or down
eth0.1 virtual interface with all the LAN ports
anygw a dummy interface, member of br-lan

Still present bug on LibreMesh support of OpenWrt 22.03

lime app with some issues, coneco is workin on this.

connecting by cable to a router connected by cable
and using the IP, all the wire-connected nodes answer, breaking ssh connections
bug present also in previous versions!!!
it could have been fixed by Pony

we need a filter for babeld over batman

wpad-* for mesh encryption has a weird Makefile that makes thing complicated to select in menuconfig
one option, to write what you want in the .config:

Imagebuiler support status

aparcar added documentation for using the ImageBuilder in the readme:

gothos: using it with x86 does not work on qemu

Company for stickers

german company
explain them the project, they are community-friendly

2023-04-07 TECH MEETING

People & list of topics
Cri, Sam, Ilario


Creating the "v2020.2" tag for the release based on OpenWrt 19.07

git pull upstream OpenWrt_19.07_compatible:OpenWrt_19.07_compatible
git tag -a v2020.2
git push upstream-git --tags

And now build!

Build on stops with an error. Maybe due to the old software running on the server??


People & list of topics
Cri, Sam, Ilario

* news
* website and documentation update
* need of a Docker image for unit testing on OpenWrt 22.03
* decide the list of targets for being compiled for release 2020.2 based on OpenWrt 19.07
* upcoming release LibreMesh 2020.2
* News about Altermundi roadmap 2023 ?
* how to use the donations on OpenCollective (e.g. a compilation server, or donation to Battlemesh)
* news about battlemesh
* next meetings dates
* resume of previous technical meetings and announcement of next technical meeting date

for the next TECH meeting:


For next project meeting:
* introductions and recent projects and contributions related with LibreMesh


In the Google Summer of Code we have a solid application by "samlo" for the LibreMesh-related project
Resume about the workflow of GsoC for mentors and students: send reports, write posts in the freifunk website

Super nice that Gluon is a new tag standard of hardware supporting openwrt.
Gluon added Librerouter in supported hardware

Website and documentation update

There are translations on TranslateWiki that have not been copied to LibreRouterOrg/docs

Translations we need to have an appointment with Altermundi and Libremesh so we organize to update translation on the website.


Updates about Home page of website , update of organizations
Note about website:

Organizations supporting LibreMesh:

|    | Iberian peninsula |          | image:img/guifi-logo.png["",role="right"]
| FreiFunk     | Germany           |       | image:img/logo_freifunknet.png["FreiFunk",role="right"]
| FunkFeuer    | Austria           |  | image:img/0xff_logo.png["FunkFeuer",role="right"]
|    | Italy             |          | image:img/ninux_logo.png["NiNux",role="right"]
| AlterMundi   | Argentina         |     | image:img/altermundi_logo.png["Altermundi",role="right"]
| Wakoma       | Global            |        |
| LibreRouter   | Global           |   | image:img/librerouter_isologo.png["LibreRouter",role="right"]

Community mesh networks using Libremesh:

| Antennine       | Appennino Bolognese |            | image:img/ninux_logo.png["NiNux",role="right"]
| Janastu CowMesh | Rural Karnataka     ||

Several other community networks are using or used LibreMesh on their devices with their own customizations (network profiles), some of these are listed here.

  • Add News on the website? the last is about battlemesh, ok. we can update with the date..( Cri)

  • Add list of sure supported device?
    we have a long list of hardware used in various communities, but we don’t know whether they used LibreMesh or not on that!

  • Add icon for hardware in documentation page menu
    we are using FontAwesome 4.3, which is old. We could use newer FontAwesome…​
    Ilario will update FontAwesome

Ilario rewrites the Get It! page once we have the 2020.2 release

Need of a Docker image for unit testing on OpenWrt 22.03

Question: about virtualization for testing Libremesh?→ there is the project of the last year and docker images.. moved the conversation on the next topic: need of a Docker image for unit testing on OpenWrt 22.03

Sam can ask to aparcar on Element/Matrix list how to buid a Docker image for that

  • decide the list of targets for being compiled for release 2020.2 based on OpenWrt 19.07


ar71xx/generic will also be compiled

Upcoming release LibreMesh 2020.2

vorremmo compilarla ed esporre dal server da cui esponiamo ora:
Il server non è aggiornato e non builda, quindi bisogna compilare in locale e poi solo uploadarli.
Una volta che ci sono dalla Valsamoggia possiamo testare alcuni target
Poi facciamo annuncio ufficiale

Ilario creates a v2020.2 tag at the commit where G10h4ck created the OpenWrt_19.07_compatible branch.

News about Altermundi roadmap 2023 ?

We have no news, so we can write an email in list and personally to know news.. (Cri)

How to use the donations on OpenCollective

(e.g. a compilation server, or donation to Battlemesh)

- pay the travel to the battlemesh for some of librerouter/altermundi (maybe next year or another event)
- pay the travel for the travel to battlemesh for some people of Antennine (maybe next year or another event)
- pay the update of the server of downloads CodigoSur? Chiede Cri
- buy some stickers LibreMesh YES
- donation for the domain name? for the newsletter ?
- email
- hardware per testare il supporto?

News about battlemesh

This year there is not support for the travel
C’è stata un acquisto economico di router per fare la rete di Calafou, c’è il piano di usare Libremesh,
plasmacloud pa1200, che hanno openwrt 22.03(?)
quindi vorremmo arrivare al battlemesh con libremesh basato su openwrt22.03

Next meetings dates

  • project meeting:

During battlemesh, online and in real life , 13utc, 3rd day of the vent → 10 may

Saturday the 3rd of June 2023 at 13:00 UTC (15:00 CEST, 9:00 ART).

  • technical meeting:

Friday the 7th of April 2023 at 13:00 UTC (15:00 CEST, 9:00 ART).

Closing at 17:24 CEST

2023-02-15 TECH MEETING

People & list of topics

Cri, Gio

  • Hardware support

  • Update doc & homepage

  • GSoC news

  • Next meeting

Support for OpenWrt 22.03

We use this issue for keeping track of the updates:
When I wrote that pull request, I thought that the new configuration format was due to the swconfig-DSA migration.  But instead it is due to the OpenWrt 19.07 vs >19.07 versions, so I have to rewrite the pull request.

* supporting only OpenWrt 22.03 in the lime-packages' "master" branch.
* create a "target_OpenWrt_19.07" branch for the extended support to OpenWrt 19.07 and a tag with a minor release "2020.2" which can be considered as an updated version of the 2020.1 LibreMesh release "Expansive Emancipation".

HOW we will make available this to the users as builded firmware?
- images of master on Owrt22.03 will be linked here:
- the extended support to Openwrt19.07 can be explicited here:

Other relevant issues for using OpenWrt 22.03 are: (Dnsmasq now can access only specific folders) (we were creating a file that now is provided by an OpenWrt package)

QoS,using TC (traffic control)

FROM Ilario by mailinglist:
My (too complex) dream-solution would be to have an integrated solution with:
* if you access the AP via a WPA interface, you access a VPN made with Tinc (or Wireguard) and have max priority access to the gateway you own in your house, and mid priority access to the other gateways
* if you access the AP via an open interface, you get Pirania captive portal, if you have granted access, you have mid-priority access to all the gateways
* instead, if you Pirania does not grant you the access, you have low priority access to all the gateways

2023-02-06 GSoC MEETING

All the mentors mentioned on the projects page were added in CC to these emails:
and also contacted directly either on Element/Matrix or on Telegram.

SAn answered he will not manage to mentor this year.

Deleted the disabled projects
Disabled the open projects

New project:

- libremesh
desc: "Automate the compilation system, configuration and monitoring of LibreMesh using Ansible. Integrate with its web interface Lime-App"

- cristina
- ilario
difficulty: medium
size: "350 hours"
status: open
- GSoC
- GSoC2023
- cristina
- ilario
name: "Automation tools for Lime firmware build and monitoring"
- "Analyzing and coding"
- "Prometheus"
- "Grafana"
- "Ansible"
- "OpenWrt"
- "lua, bash"
- GSoC2023
- libremesh

Create a set of automated tasks to install services on a Raspberry Pi to meet the needs of small community-network with an administration/tech team, e.g. a set of commonly needed monitoring tools, such as Prometheus, Prometheus-node-exporter, Blackbox-exporter, Altermanager, Grafana, VPN and an editing map service.

The use case is a growing fragmented network with islands of nodes and users; but with a collective management having an overarching vision on what is happening in the network and giving feedback to the users by the [Lime-App](

Create a set of Ansible roles to replicate the OpenWrt build-system, to speed-up the process of self-building images for OpenWrt and/or LibreMesh for newcomers, and to easily setup a dedicated machine, with the possibility to later extend the process of build to other automated tasks, like a pub-keys-exchange needed for configuring a VPN, or to update documentations or a webapp.
The Ansible roles would include tasks to build for: different architectures and targets; different OpenWrt and LibreMesh versions; keeping trace of devices with particular needs and related patches; keeping a local list of supported targets; provide a basic functionality to setup a VPN. This should also provide a main configuration file for each device, and the use of the main configuration tools available on LibreMesh, like /etc/config/lime-* and especially lime-macaddress files, "generic-uci-config, lime-asset" functionalities, and configurations and packages provided by community [network-profiles]( or local packages.
These will be published and shared also on Ansible Galaxy or similar repository as a standalone project.


  • Automation on LibreMesh build system

  • Automation on monitoring

  • Collectors of data

  • Data visualization

  • Integration in Lime-App


  • Getting familiar with LibreMesh compilation using the OpenWrt buildroot

  • Learn to develop a basic LibreMesh package and compile it in a firmware image

  • Flashing of at least 3 wifi routers with the compiled LibreMesh

  • Have these routers connected in a (indoor) mesh network

  • Get familiar with the LibreMesh web interface "Lime-App"

  • Get familiar with the OpenWrt basic folders structure and acquainted with its command line interface

  • Get familiar with the tools for quantifying the quality of single wireless links, both the ones provided by the Linux kernel and the ones from the router protocols employed in LibreMesh (Batman-adv, Babeld)

  • Deploying the already existing monitoring systems on at least 1 Raspberry-Pi

  • Document the entire process at least with a post on the Freifunk blog

Coding period

  • Develop automation on LibreMesh build system

  • Write and publish sets of configuration management on Ansible Galaxy

  • Deploying automated LibreMesh build system on at least 2 computers

  • Publish a "LibreMesh observer" deploy instruction for Arm architecture

  • Set up multiple observation points, including at least 2 Raspberry-Pi, to collect data from LibreMesh routers

  • Verify if it is possible to integrate a Grafana dashboard in Lime-App to receive feedback about traffic and develop a basic demonstrator

  • Write a post on the Freifunk blog detailing which of the monitoring tools under development are suited for being integrated with the LibreMesh web interface "lime-app" and documenting the proof-of-concept integration of Grafana in Lime-App, if achieved

  • Propose in the LibreMesh repositories the pieces of code that are standalone

GSoC final

  • Pushing upstream to OpenWrt or to other repositories all the general interest code

  • Pushing on Ansible Galaxy

  • Pushing on Lime-App repository of LibreMesh


List of topics:

  • presentations and recent projects and contributions related with LibreMesh

  • resume of previous technical meetings and announcement of next technical meeting date: 15th February 2023 wednesday

  • how to use the donations on OpenCollective (e.g. a compilation server, or donation to Battlemesh)

  • remove old projects and add new projects to Freifunk list for GSoC before the 7th of February

  • update of organizations on the website homepage (explicit consent by…​? Cowmesh, Ninux…​)

2023-01-21 TECH MEETING

People and List of topics
Cri, Hiure, Elektra, Eric, Tania

  • Services

  • debug connectivity problems with local services (Hiure) 2 router connected by wifi and both cable, interest most BATMAN (level2),

  • Integration w/ local services and content (LokaLR and beyond)

Hiure: Looping issue investigation. Sanketh found solution?

Is a new version needed where this is included? What work is entailed?

Elektra: Potential easy Fix. Shellscript to execute. LM system doesn’t currently enable this. Workaround: Add the line "batctl bl 1" to /etc/rc.local

UCI: add commands to change /etc/config/batman, or manually edit this.

Hiure: need to find this in LM.

Elektra: To investigate and propose way forward and any support required. (Done. See 1.5 ;)

Cristina: network profile of our community, and to show where some comunity configuration can be written and applied:

Next meeting dates

  • 4th february Organizaion of LiMe

  • wednesday tech meeting 1 of February (same week of the other meeting) or 8 of February (just near to the other) or 15 of february


"Legacy hardware that is actually in use in real world community networks"

What hardware are others already using. What hardware CAN be used.

Where is the most up to date list? Should/how can this be organized, and shared on LM website/github, etc

Compatible Hardware

It is recommended that the router has at least 8 MB of flash memory and 64 MB of RAM. For routers with 4 MB flash memory or 32 MB of RAM, use the special firmware named -mini or compile one yourself excluding some heavy packages (e.g. opkg or the LuCI and lime-app web interfaces).

Not all the OpenWrt supported routers work with LibreMesh (at least, not with its default configuration), for a list of the tested hardware, see our hardware page.

Tested Hardware (from the list in the website)

This is a list of devices that were tested by the community and reported as fully compatible with LibreMesh, it is by no means a complete list of the working devices.

  • Xiaomi MiWiFi R3

  • Xiaomi Mi WiFi R3G

  • YouHua WR1200JS

  • LibreRouter

  • TP-Link WDR3500

  • TP-Link WDR3600

  • TP-Link WDR4300

  • Dragino MS14

  • Alix 2d2

  • Ubiquiti UniFi AP

  • Ubiquiti AirRouter

  • Ubiquiti AirGateway

  • Ubiquiti NanoBridge M2 and M5

  • Ubiquiti NanoStation M2 XW and LoCo M2 XW

  • Ubiquiti NanoStation M5 XW and LoCo M5 XW

  • Ubiquiti PicoStation M2

  • Ubiquiti Bullet M2 and M5

  • Ubiquiti Rocket M2 and M5

  • Buffalo WSR-1166DHP

  • Flex mARC

  • Western Digital My Net N600

EXAMPLE, now I’m using Cristina : Device Ubiquiti Litebeam M5

Firmware LiMe 2020.1 ExpansiveEmancipation ((no branch) rev. 6f1730e 20210612_1552)

openwrt-19.07 branch (git-21.044.30835-34e0d65) And we have the same firmware also on CPE 510 v2

Updated Hardware List

  • G10h4ck:

    • LibreRouter v1

    • TP-Link TL-WDR3600

    • TP-Link TL-WDR4300

    • TP-Link TL-WDR4310

    • TP-Link TL-WDR3500

  • Troian - Nupef : TPLinks- WDR 3500, 3600, 4300 Archer C7v5 Archer C50v4, CPE210v1-3,

Equippment ported only to owrt22 - Archer C50 v5, Archer C6 (to test new LIME version)

  • bologna appennino: Ubiquity Litebeam M5 - TPlink CPE 510 (ath79)

  • Hiure - Brasil / India : Cpe510/v1,v2,v3, Cpe210/v1,v2,v3 Cpe220, A7v5, tl-wdr3500, tl-wdr3600, tl-wdr4310, C60, C7, C5

Are we limited to the devices on the OpenWRT list?

How are people porting new devices?

Big changes w/ new OpenWRT version. Sometimes previous LM versions on OpenWRT 18 worked, now with v.19, things break.

How do we define the process of using more hardware, including hardware not on OpenWRT list


QoS,using TC (traffic control)

what do yuo think about aplly QoS in a mesh network, how to know how much bandwith do you share with the others. can you set a distribution of this.
on AP and Client, but difficult in nodes of mesh, because that are running the mesh routing

Bologna: we collect the data by Prometheus + Graphana and show to the community, we have meeting to show with the others, 1 meeting closed with everyone inside the mesh network; ither 3 public meeting in a public place, and we have every season a public tech meeting. we started to do that meeting for show the privacy problem but at he end is usefull for the know the consumtion of bandwith
in my island we are 15 with a connction of 30Mbs down /10Mbs up

Elektra: traffic shaping to go on AP that clients are using.
Is there a more centralized way to do this?

Who else is doing this, or interested in this?

Pirhana, in Brazil. Allow people to access by Voucher. PiHole - to block sites.

Support for OpenWrt 22.03

A the moment, about the support for OpenWrt 22.03, from Bologna/appennino we have in use a link done on Tplink CPE 510 v2.3

Closing at 14:27 utc
Next tech meeting will be on Wednesday 15th February 2023

2023-01-04 TECH MEETING

People & list of topics:

Rodrigo, Cri, Hiure, Gio, Ilario, Henrik, S K, Dinesh, Ger

Wish list:

  • decide if both swconfig and DSA should be supported in the next release

  • Legacy hardware that is actually in use in real world community networks

  • Next meeting dates

  • debug connectivity problems with local services (Hiure)

  • Channel for technical discussions

  • LibreMesh support for OpenWrt 22.03 (or better next release?)

  • support for OpenWrt 22.03, QoS,using TC (traffic control)

  • review all the pull requests

  • prioritise a list of issues to be resolved for the next LibreMesh release

Next Meeting

Saturday 21 of january at 13 UTC

Decide if both swconfig and DSA should be supported in the next release

Gio: to introduce the topic: openwrt22.3 is using DSA (Distributed Switch Architecture), [1] [2]and we in Lime2020 we use SWconfig. Support both could be difficult.
Talk at battlemesh

Not all targets that we use a lot have been ported to DSA, like:
- LibreRouter v1
- TP-Link TL-WDR3600
- TP-Link TL-WDR4300
- TP-Link TL-WDR4310
- TP-Link TL-WDR3500

There is a big pull request in OpenWrt porting all ath79 to DSA.
We can take that PR and split it in smaller ones to send to OpenWrt for easing its merging.

Henrik: it is too messy to support both. There are many devices still with swconfig. Have anyone used any router with two real ports (like HiveAP), no switches?

Ilario: The proposal to wait for the merge of DSA for our favourite ATH79 routers would mean waiting for more years and our last release is already very old (2020). Can we make one release that supports both and then dropping swconfig for the following one?

Henrik: Some routers do not work well with swconfig, so if possible we should move to DSA.

Cri: we use Ubiquiti LiteBeam (Atheros). We are patching LibreMesh for using it on OpenWrt 22.03, we listed our patches in the mailing list

Ilario: some of your patches have been used for making this pull request

Henrik: what has been planned?

Ilario: does Altermundi have planning? This meeting is also for making this planning

Gio: old devices are important to support Libremesh, The new devices will be all DSA, but how we do with the old? Are we sure that old devices will support DSA?

Ilario: we have old devices to test and I already checked that can support it
the DSA presence check is already included in

Henrik: OpenWrt is moving away from Lua, going to ucode (own scripting language, better integrated with UCI, similar to JavaScript), rewriting all their scripts. How is this going to affect LibreMesh? Lua is not going to be included by default. I think they do a great work but the problem is the conversion to the new scripts.

Ilario: hopefully, if we include the Lua interpreter, our stuff should go on working

Gio: I hate JavaScript

Henrik: they fixed many things, seems like a good step. The major issue is the memory impact of having both UCode and Lua. Anyway Lua is not too big and the impact should be ok.

Rodrigo: Archer C660 C50 C600 only work with OpenWrt 22
Is there some line where help to move forward? Where I can start?

Ilario: start testing a couple of pull request: this for example is useful if you try others devices. I can propose to use the chat element of Lime, or in the Mailinglist.
Also you will need to include

Rodrigo: I can build myself and test, I can open this server to you for compiling
Sounds good to open a specific channel for testing.

Gio: why not move to a json like format for configuration of.. ?

Henrik: the config format is trying to stay compatible. There are issues with the use of labels and names. E.g. the main device in the /etc/config/network does not have a name. Important that the config file is human readable

Henrik: I made a script for getting around the positional reference issue, I will try to share it on the linked pull request in a few days

Ilario: let’s test the pull requests and talk about this swconfig+DSA vs DSA-only decision in the next meeting

Cri: ok we finshed the first hour of meeting, lets' go to try to set the next meeting

Legacy hardware that is actually in use in real world community networks

- LibreRouter v1
- TP-Link TL-WDR3600
- TP-Link TL-WDR4300
- TP-Link TL-WDR4310
- TP-Link TL-WDR3500

Troian - Nupef : TPLinks- WDR 3500, 3600, 4300 Archer C7v5 Archer C50v4, CPE210v1-3,

Equippment ported only to owrt22 - Archer C50 v5, Archer C6 (to test new LIME version)

bologna appennino: Ubiquity Litebeam M5 - TPlink CPE 510 (ath79)

Hiure - Brasil / India : Cpe510/v1,v2,v3, Cpe210/v1,v2,v3 Cpe220, A7v5, tl-wdr3500, tl-wdr3600, tl-wdr4310, C60, C7, C5

Next meeting dates

Ilario: what about one technical meeting every two months?

Hiure: what about one or two weeks?

Ilario: ok 2 weeks
Cri: ok,could be on 18th of January? wednesday..

Ilario: is Saturday ok?

Gio: better for me to do it in weekdays, but my agenda is changing so you can organize it in any day and then I will try to join

Hiure, for me is good, but after of 19th of january

ilario: not able to connect during week, available only at night. And weekends.
Ilario: what about alternating meetings on Saturdays with meetings on Wednesdays?

Rodrigo: better during week days at work time

Cri: Saturday the 21st?

Ilario: great! Same time?

Hiure: yes
Cri: yes
Troian: yes

NEXTmeeting: saturday 21 of january at 13 UTC

Debug connectivity problems with local services (Hiure)

-→ from India some feedbacks about issues on "How he data are routed inside of the network"?
ex: wireless network, more wired connection, more internal service exposed also to external, DNS configuration works, the server sometimes is not connected due to routing of network..

The problem starts when we use cables, things get unstable
if I try to extend network by cable, I get the problem: the 2 libremesh routers use …​.. and start loops and
callbacks, problems with Batman-adv

Ilario: Can you list a minumal setup for reproducing? Do you only use the LAN ports or also the WAN ports? If you connect via cable a LAN port to a WAN port of another LibreMesh router things are going to be broken for sure.

Gio: are not supperted connect WAN and LAN by cable

S K: The problem appears when you are doing ethernet mesh and connect local servers on the same router

Cri: how do you keep the problem? just a pig with DUP? or what?

Gio: the local server is just as the other clients, should not trigger any issue. Maybe the already existing issue gets more visible when it happens with a server.

S K: One problem is that ip of the local server changes now and then. But the main problem is latency.

Hiure: yes we use the local server with fixed ip in libremesh, editing /etc/config/dhcp and /etc/dnsmasq.d/localserver.conf

Ilario: for leaving some IP ranges out of the auto-configuration and the IP assigned to the DHCP clients

S K: Sorry, my point is that the problem could be that there are two DHCP servers (two nodes) connected with each other through ethernet and then there are clients on the same switch. So that might cause routing problems?

Hiure: when we have only one service it works.
nginx servers with lot of services, using CNAME, some servers have fixed IP.

Ilario: can you share the modifications you do to those two files, for understanding?

config hostrecord 'server'
option ip '10.x.y.z'
list name ''


and we copy this on every router.

Channel for technical discussions

We have two channels:
and also the Github Issues and Pull Requests.

Gio: no time for following the chat but I follow the mailing list

Ilario: prefer to use the chat, so that is easier to share simple observations in a casual way

Rodrigo: I prefer the chat

Ilario: no consensus, no decision.


Closing at 14:56 UTC
Next technical meeting is going to be on Saturday the 21st of January 2023 at 13:00 UTC